Ursula Kaphegyi, Dipl. Forstwiss., Akad. Geoinformatikerin, LTA.

Ursula Kaphegyi holds a diploma in Forest Sciences (eq. Msc.) with having her professional roots in wildlife ecology. She is an experienced data analyst and data manager. Her interests are ecosystem analysis, GIS, landscape ecology, and the development of evidence based tools in nature conservation and landscape management. Ursula is the administrative head of our Institution.

Arbeitsschwerpunkte: Datenanalyse und -verarbeitung, GIS, Wildtierökologie – und Management.

Dr. Thomas Kaphegyi

Thomas Kaphegyi relies on nearly two decades of working experience as a researcher, university lecturer, and scientific team leader. Thomas holds a Diploma (eq. MSc.) in Forestry Sciences and a doctoral degree (eq. PhD) in Wildlife Ecology. From 1995 – 1997 he was involved in the development and implementation of strategic rabies defence at the Institute for Veterinary Medicine at the University of Bern, Switzerland. From 1997 – 2007 he was research fellow at the Department of Wildlife Biology and Management at the University of Freiburg. From 2007 – 2016 he was a senior scientist at the Chair for Landscape Management at the University of Freiburg. He covers a broad range of methodological skills, and he has extensive experiences as adviser of conservation projects. In this context, Thomas gained comprehensive experiences with joint projects and cooperation with different stakeholders, GOs, NGOs, and authorities on national and international level. He has been member of diverse advisory panels. His research interests and working focus is on wildlife ecology and management, decision making in environmental and nature conservation, conservation strategies, and conservation assessments.

He is especially interested in interdependencies of anthropogenic land use and wildlife, and in the development of tools and schemes for evidence based decision making.

Prof. Dr. Werner Konold

From 1997 until 2016 Werner Konold held the chair for landscape management at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg.

Prof. Konold ist Mitglied im Nationalkomitee für die deutschen UNESCO-Geoparke und in Gremien des Bundes Heimat und Umwelt Deutschland. Als ausgewiesener Experte für Gewässerökologie und Landnutzung ist er Mitglied im Fachausschuss „Ökologie und Management von Flussgebieten“ der Deutschen Vereinigung für Wasserwirtschaft, Abwasser und Abfall (DWA) sowie in der Arbeitsgruppe „Denkmale in Gewässern und Auen“. Darüber hinaus ist er auf Landesebene seit vielen Jahren in politikberatenden Gremien für nachhaltige Entwicklung, Natur- und Umweltschutz aktiv, aktuell im Fachgremium zur wissenschaftlichen Begleitung des Sonderprogramms zur Förderung der biologischen Vielfalt in Baden-Württemberg. Er ist Vorstand des Alemannischen Instituts in Freiburg sowie Vorsitzender der Naturforschenden Gesellschaft zu Freiburg im Breisgau.

Dr. Peter Wattendorf

Peter Wattendorf holds a doctoral degree (eq. PhD) in Agricultural Sciences. From 1995 until 1997, Peter was research fellow at the Institute for Landscape and Plant Ecology at the University of Hohenheim. From 1997 until 2017, he was engaged as a researcher and lecturer with the chair of Landscape Management at the Albert-Ludwigs-University of Freiburg. In this position, Peter Wattendorf led various research projects. Since 2000 he also has been working as a consultant expert with a strong focus on landfill recultivation. Peter Wattendorf covers a wide range of working skills mainly at the interface of science and implementation. His primary research interests and working focuses are recultivation ecology, interactions between soil, vegetation and water balance as well as protected area strategies.

Peter Wattendorf is member of several working groups of the German Geotechnical Society (DGGT), and the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA).

Dr. Christian Suchomel

Christian Suchomel holds a Diploma (eq. Msc.) on Forestry Sciences and a doctoral degree (eq. PhD) in Forest Management and Environment. He covers long lasting experiences as researcher, university lecturer, research project leader and manager. From 2011 until 2014 he headed the Environmental Centre of Munich. In this position, he gained comprehensive experience and knowledge in educating sustainable development as well as event management. Christian Suchomel looks back on many years of experience working at the interface of nature and biodiversity conservation and the economic use of landscapes.

His working and research interests lie in the sustainable use of natural resources with a strong focus on forest operations, biofuels and energy wood, and multifunctional management concepts in forestry and agriculture.

MSc. Christopher Rappold

Christopher Rappold hat einen Bachelorabschluss in Umweltnaturwissenschaften und Umwelthydrologie der Universität Freiburg i. Brsg. In Osnabrück studierte Chris „Boden, Gewässer, Altlasten“ mit dem Schwerpunkt Gewässer und schloss dort mit einem MSc. ab. Er besitzt mehrjährige Erfahrung in der Datenanalyse und Arbeiten mit GIS sowie in der Anwendung sozialwissenschaftlicher Forschungsmethoden. Neben Gewässerökosystemen und Methoden der Datenanalyse interessiert er sich besonders für sozial-ökologische Systeme und Mensch-Natur-Interaktionen.

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